Kagakusha Harley no Haran Banjou / Harley's Humongous Adventure
(existe en version JAP, US & PAL)

Codes Action Replay
7E1C 3B1E = temps infini
7E24 B803 = vies infinies
7E24 BA06 = énergie infinie
7EAB 5411 = arme bien destructrice

Codes Game Génie
DFCF-A7F1       Start with 2 lives
D9CF-A7F1       Start with 6 lives
FDCF-A7F1       Start with 11 lives
49CF-A7F1       Start with 26 lives
9DCF-A7F1       Start with 51 lives
BBCF-A7F1       Start with 100 lives
C2C8-07B5       Infinite lives
D6CF-ADB1       Start with 4 hearts
DCCF-ADB1       Start with 5 hearts
C2C0-0DB5       Protection against some hazards
FD22-6415       Start with 10 of every weapon
4922-6415       Start with 25 of every weapon
9D22-6415       Start with 50 of every weapon
BB22-6415       Start with 99 of every weapon
D98D-DDB9       Get only 5 ammo from a weapon power-up
4D8D-DDB9       Get 20 ammo from a weapon power-up
7D8D-DDB9       Get 30 ammo from a weapon power-up
0D8D-DDB9       Get 40 ammo from a weapon power-up
9D8D-DDB9       Get 50 ammo from a weapon power-up
DD87-A4B0       Infinite ammo
F08C-A704       20 seconds to collect power-ups on level 1
7A8C-A704       60 seconds to collect power-ups on level 1
9C8C-A704       90 seconds to collect power-ups on level 1
7A88-A7D4       60 seconds to complete the Vent level
3C83-ADA4       Infinite time on Vent level
6DCF-04B1       Start with maximum fuel on every level
DDC4-6495       Any fuel power-up gives maximum amount
DDCD-6DF5       Infinite jet fuel--must already have some to fly
D43E-046F       Hit X on the title screen with the house to get level select menu